About Me

Just like anybody else I started my journey in school. I was a backbencher and a below average student till class 9th. As unreal as it sounds, I was interested in Maths and scored well in it. One time I scored 33/100 in my fav subject (Maths :P) and probably that was the time which changed my life and made me think about literally everything. AFTER THAT I ended up doing literally everything!!
My College life took momentum right from the beginning. I started with my passion on the very first day – Finance and Stock Market. I joined a couple of societies, made it to the college chess team, completed some NSE courses, performed well on the academic front so all in all first sem was good. And I mean really goooddd!
Second sem I started with FRM, rest same. Bleh!
It was actually the second year and precisely the 4th sem from where it all escalated. By now I was leading a society, finished my FRM, became the chess team’s captain, did many internships and other courses, continued to do well on the academic front but more importantly I STARTED WITH FINLADDER!
Exactly where it all changed.
While in college I started going to various other colleges for sessions and seminars. A period to cherish before the pandemic hit out and I couldn’t go to Bangalore for a session 🙁 Somehow the college ended in the lockdown but I was able to take back some unbelievably brilliant memories.

Well arguably the best phase of my life. It has probably taught me more about life than anything else. I chose entrepreneurship or it chose me is a hard to tell scenario but what I know is, it changed me totally. The best teacher is life itself and entrepreneurship throws you so many challenges that these experiences really help you grow.
Most exciting and most difficult phase but my love for it is endless. I wish to continue my journey on this path for the years to come and hopefully help many individuals to overcome their bit.
Well still in this stage and will surely write more about it as time goes on 🙂
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